We can help you to reach first page of Google with our white hat SEO services
Internet is now a new ground of business. There is no doubt that a business can gain better success from shifting to Internet marketing. The millions of online businesses are clear proof of that. But how could a business become a good one with the great competition that Internet offers? That’s by using the search engine for the business’s advantage. And when it comes to search engines, Google is the best tool for that, making any online business aim to top the Google ranking.
The importance of top Google ranking for online businesses can be translated to the worth of being on the top of Google ranks. What could be the worth of being on the top of Google ranking? Worth here means value, profit, or income for the company. Yes, it is really worthy to be on the top of Google ranking.
What makes being on the top Google ranking very important?
Because being on the top list of Google means better views and more visitors. It’s like having a store on a good location with added good advertisements on primetime shows. How?

Internet is the main ground of online businesses and search engines like Google serve as the road of prospect customers to the online businesses. The better the location of the business on Google, the more visitors it will have. That translates to better sales. Of course, every target customer that will be able to visit the store means a profit. They may not purchase anything from the store during their first visit but at least, they’ll know that a certain online store exists.
In one example provided by an online tutorial on top Google ranking, being on the top 5 ranking in Google translates to 6,000 unique website visitors every month.
That may be translated to 50,000 unique visitors per month for the top 1 Google ranking.So, what could that mean to the business’s profits and sales? It is estimated that a top 5 Google ranking gains $40 per 1,000 page views. And for the top 1 Google ranking, that will be a $2,000-profit per month. The value here is just the estimated average for top Google ranking. Better profits can be obtained depending on the product and the deal that the company provides for the prospect customers.
It is certainly very important to be on the top of Google Ranking. But how could an online business be on the top 10 of Google ranking? The way could be easy but it could also be difficult.
Being on top Google ranking needs not only good products and great website. Many other factors are also considered to be among the top Google ranking like the content of the site, its popularity, and its relevance to the keyword used by the prospect customer. The online business can be on top of Google ranking if it was able to meet all these and be on the edge of tough competition. However, the way to the top Google ranking is not that easy. It needs professional expertise and years of experience.
The good news is that online businesses do not have to wait for long years to have professional expertise just to be on top Google ranking. There are search engine optimization companies that offer their help for clients who want their businesses be on top of Google ranking. These companies have professionals who can transform the top 23907 site on Google to be on the top 10 Google ranking..
Please feel free to contact us, if you have any questions about Google top rankings and/or the other services, we offer